Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Best Laid Plans ...

You may have been wondering where I have been. Well, sometimes life takes a detour and Saturday was one of those days. We were scheduled to spend the entire day at the Olympic Green. After a photo op with our Aussie friends, we headed over to the Johnson & Johnson Olympic Pavilion.

Our Aussie friends

At the Johnson & Johnson Pavilion

WOW! It was fantastic! It was quite hot outside already but once we stepped inside it was a cool oasis. As guests of J&J, we had access to the private lounge area that had a beverage bar complete with fruit smoothies and ice gelatos. As we relaxed, surrounded by bamboo, hostesses served us using bamboo plates and utensils. After cooling down we headed upstairs to see the impressive gallery that showcased the many faces of J&J. We then entered the remarkable Terracotta Warrior exhibit. What majestic ancient figures!

Before we knew it, it was time to head back into the heat for the 45-minute hike back to the Bird’s Nest where we were to see the men’s soccer final. At this point it was almost noon and the temperature had really soared. I later found out that the temperature hit over 107 degrees on the playing field! As a result, the emergency rooms were full of people knocked down by the heat and I was about to become one of them. As we walked along we realized that there was very little shade available and no water concessions. By the time we got to the fence of the Bird’s Nest I realized I was in trouble. With the help of some wonderful Olympic volunteers I was taken into an air-conditioned temporary building. Although it was cooler, it became apparent that I was going to need medical assistance. Instead of attend the scheduled Olympic events I was taken to two different Chinese hospitals. After getting re-hydrated by IV, I was released to go back to the hotel. I wish I could personally thank all the wonderful doctors and nurses and Beijing Hospital # 306, Beijing United Family Hospital, and International SOS for their care and compassion.

Although, I would have preferred to have not gotten sick, I must say that the experience has given me the opportunity to see the real side of life in Beijing. I met some amazing people from the doctors at the first hospital who did not speak English but worked so hard to communicate with me, to the International SOS doctors (Dr. Joe, Dr. Peter and Dr. Erik) who were in the J&J clinic at our hotel to Dr. Michaela Heinke, the fascinating German doctor at the International SOS Clinic who continued to treat me for the rest of my trip. She is also an artist who has started an international artists group here in Beijing. Throughout it all, Betsy was my guardian angel! She stayed by my side in the hospitals and ambulances and shared some of the funniest moments of the trip with me. Needless to say … I never did make it to the soccer game!

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