Friday, August 22, 2008

We Climbed the Great Wall ...

Getting ready to head to the top!

Almost there!

Hector and his new friend!

We made it!

Well, we climbed the Great Wall today and lived to tell about it! It was absolutely incredible - almost like you were stepping into a history book standing on such a famous wall. We took a cable car part way up the mountain and then started climbing. YIKES!! Betsy (from Global Communications) and I were feeling pretty proud of ourselves until we got passed up by a little old lady with a cane! How depressing! Anyway, the weather was absolutely gorgeous - we couldn't have asked for a nicer day. I am going to post a couple of photos now but will have to blog more later. After hiking the Wall we headed back to Beijing for the men's basketball semifinals (USA won!) and got back to the hotel about 1 am Beijing time. We started out at 8 am so that makes for a VERY long day. Tomorrow we are back on the bus at 8:30 am to head over to the Olympic Green where we will spend the day touring the J&J Olympic Pavilion, attending the men's soccer final and then a night of Track and Field events. We probably won't be back at the hotel until midnight so I probably won't be blogging tomorrow. If I am lucky I will find a patch of grass under a tree and take a nap! Time to crash and get a few hours of sleep! I'll have to explain the photo of Hector and his new friend later!

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